Entomophagy Wiki

General The Asian hornet is a hymenoptere of the vespa family. Although it originates from eastern Asia (with a wide range of habitats), this hornet was introduced in France by accident in 2004. It has since colonized most of Western Europe, where it is considered as an invasive species. Its is mostly known for the damages it inflicts to honey bee colonies.[1]

Habitat The Asian hornet is a social insect. It forms a colony in which the queen spawns workers. The colony lives in a nest made of cardboard. The hornets make this cardboard by chewing wood and agglomerating it with their saliva.

Consumption The larvae and the pupae are consumed fried in a pan. The adults have a stinger, so they should not be consumed. It is very important not to consume any member of the wasp or hornet family if your are allergic to their venom.
